Large Lighted one of a kind Krakow Nativity

Large Lighted one of a kind Krakow Nativity


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Large fully lighted Krakow nativity with the legendary Lajkonik and the St. Mary ‘s basilicas’s trumpet.

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35 x 27 x 12″  with lights

Large, lighted, one of a kind Krakow Nativity by szopka artist Zdislaw Wrona with the famous legendary Lajkoinki and the  trumpet blowen hourly from the coroned steeple of the St. Mary church. The nativity has 6 levels, five towers, flanked on either side by the historic Wojcek chapel, and in front of each of the Wojchek chapel a Christmas trees with  red star.  On the ground level,  on a silver floor, which has a series of arched entryways, these in turn lead to the inner middle room, which in turn is flanked by two adjoining  golden windowed chambers, and two  additional ones further recessed. They are embellishd with a decorative K for Krakow which is carved into the wall on both sides at the  top of the arch. In front of the arched entry way, three figures are standing, a knight with green robe carring a red flag with the Krakow’s coat of arms the center, the legendary Lajkonik, the half man half horse of the 13th centuries lore related to the Tatar invasion of the city. And on the side another knight with a blue robe with long spear in his hands. The second lelel has a series of large windows adorned with decorative bars, with great glare of the light of the nativity showing through them. On the top cornerrs of the windows are decorative trim and the middle once again sports the Krkaow City’s  coat of arms. On the third level, on another silver balcony, the Holy Family is at the center under an adorned green arched room with triangular ornate green and blue roofs. ending with scrolling silver embellisment. On this level, are the Three Kings bearing gifts, to the newly born Baby Jesus, and on either side is a silver angel with silver halo and golden wings. On this level and the fourth level are large windows through which the lights shine out. In the center of the fifthe level is a falling star with long tail between two gold angels on either side and one right above on the sixth level. The sixth leve has more lighted windows, while the two side towers each has Krakow’s famous clocks of the Krakow city old town hall. More lighted windows are on the sixth level of the ornate side towers while in the centr is the traditiona tower of the  famous St. Mary basilica with its crown like top signaling its being the royal church of Krakow. Krakow was the capital of Poland up to the 19th century. In its  window is visible the bugle – the famous trumpet which signals the hour, and has signaled in the past important events in the town, including. according to legend, the alarm in 1241 about the approacing Mongol troops. The bugle is played four times on the hour in each of the four windows of the church steeple and in the direction of the historic four gate to the town, of which  today only one still remains. As is traditional in Krakow’s nativities, the tops of the towers have flage, the krakow’s blue and white flag, and the national red and white Polish flag.

Only one is avialble.

Krakow’s Nativities originated in Krakow in the 19th century when the construction workers idled by the sever Krakow winter started creating Christmas nativities. However instead of locating the Holy family in the manger, it has been located within famous Krakow landmarks and architecture, and embelished with characters from Polish and Krakow’s lore and legend.

The Krakow’s nativities are a UNESCO’s world heritage item.

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