Large szopka -Krakow Nativity with,the Royal Wavel Castle copula Krakow Town watch tower and golden spires
Golden Towers Krakow nativity szopka
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16 x 10 x 4″
Very detailed large three levels Krakow Nativity -szopka. On the lower level on a gold and white check platform surrounded by a gold link chain is the Holy Family under arched roof topped by the round copula of the Royal Wavel Castle. On the second level surrounded by a golden floored balcony with silver, gold and Swarovski crystal railing are three church towers with golden checked windows. On the third level are 2 red heavily ornate towers flanking the Old City Hall clock tower dating back to the 14th c. with an additional level on top of it. All three towers are topped by 6 sided golden steeples sporting the Polish flag on the sides, and the Polish eagle in the middle.
The Krakow nativities offered by are all made by the same artists that take part in the yearly Krakow nativities competition. They are created using the same material and techniques employed to create the originals that took part in the competition Many of the nativities offered are copies of nativities that were entered into the competition, many of which are part of the collection of the Krakow Museum inĀ Krakow Poland, which has been administrating the competition since 1946, and which mounts a show of the Krakow nativities after the competition takes place.
These copies of the nativities are sometimes made in more than one size enabling the customer to have a nativity of the right size for their home or office.
These UNESCO designated world heritage nativities are genuine works of art, that would become a family heirloom