Miniature Krakow Nativity by competition winner Kirsz

Miniature Krakow Nativity by competition winner Kirsz


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Miniature Krakow Nativity by Kirsz whose nativities are in the collections of many museums. A copy of a 1st place winning nativity with the Holy Family on the ground level and a cross on the middle  church steeple

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3  x 2 1/2  x 1″

This is an awe inspiring miniature nativity by perennial first place winner of the yearly Krakow Nativity competition Kirsz. This tiny mini miniature is a marvel of Kirsz artistry. The Holy Family with halos around their heads stands at the entrance to a church  under red triangular canopy between two church towers with amazing details like leaded multiple paned windows.  Above the canopy is a cross. On the two side towers  are double gold domes after the dome of the Wavel cathedral on the Royal hill each carrying the Polish national red and white flag.

The Krakow nativities offered by are all made by the same artists that take part in the yearly Krakow nativities competition. They are created using the same material and techniques employed to create the originals that took part in the competition Many of the nativities offered are copies of nativities that were entered into the competition, many of which are part of the collection of the Krakow Museum in Krakow Poland, which has been administrating the competition since 1946, and which mounts a show of the Krakow nativities after the competition takes place.
These copies of the nativities are sometimes made in more than one size enabling the customer to have a nativity of the right size for their home or office.
These UNESCO designated world heritage nativities are genuine works of art, that would become a family heirloom

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